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WY Community Foundation Supports Summer Camp

The Pinedale Aquatic Center and Friends of PAC are grateful to the Wyoming Community Foundation for providing grant funding to support the Little Wrangler Day Camp this summer. Their dollars help keep the Camp affordable and staffed with well trained counselors. The Wyoming Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works with donors to support the charitable causes they care most about. In 2019 the Wyoming Community Foundation granted over $11 million to charitable causes across the state. For information call 307-721-8300 or visit their website at

The Pinedale Aquatic Center’s Little Wrangler Day Camp started on June 8, 2020 and already the 1st through 5th graders have enjoyed adventures ranging from hiking in the mountains, learning about bike safety from the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office, and hands on time with Wyoming Game & Fish staff featuring bear skins and antlers. The kids and their counselors have a busy summer schedule ahead, filled with swimming, art, social emotional learning, dance, and plenty of plain old play time. Their curriculum has been carefully crafted to provide joy and learning simultaneously. While the participants think of all this as summer fun, the Camp also provides a critical role to our community, ensuring a safe, flexible, and enriching childcare environment that allows many parents to continue working while school is out.

The Friends of PAC nonprofit organization was created to secure supplemental funding for the PAC and its important programs as county revenues decline. The board is working hard to identify new partnerships and collaborations that will benefit the PAC. Learn more at

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